Wednesday 23 May 2012


Do you remember the first time you arrived in London? Or in a foreign land?

You surely won't forget the experience of Bahram and his family. A man immigrating to a land of hope and wealth in order to have a better life and find a cure for the illness of his daughter. Hichestan is a story of illegal immigration, of Iran, of England, of big issues related to politics and social integration. But this is just the general background of a very personal story of a father, husband and man who can not provide for his family. It's the poetic and bitter report of a married couple facing problems of trust, poverty, national identity. If one of the two decide to change would the other one be ready to follow and accept the change?

Hichestan is the title of an Iranian poem translated in English as 'Neverland'. Here it is:

به سراغ من اگر مي آييد
پشت هيچستانم
پشت هيچستان جايي است
پشت هيچستان رگ هاي هوا پر قاصدهايي است
كه خبر مي آرند از گل واشده دورترين بوته خاك
روي شنها هم نقشهاي سم اسبان سواران ظريفي است كه صبح
به سرتپه معراج شقايق رفتند
پشت هيچستان چتر خواهش باز است

تا نسيم عطشي در بن برگي بدود
زنگ باران به صدا مي آيد
آدم اينجا تنهاست
و در اين تنهايي سايه ناروني تا ابديت جاري است

به سراغ من اگرمي آييد
نرم و آهسته بياييد مبادا كه ترك بردارد
چيني نازك تنهايي من

واحه ای در لحظه- حجم سبز
سهراب سپهری

If you come to visit me
You will find me beyond the neverland
Behind neverland there is a place
Where the veins of the air is full of dandelions
Who bring the happy tidings of flowers blossoming
At the farthest bush
Over the sands also you can see the delicate footsteps of the horseman who mounted the
Anemone hill of ascension at morning
Beyond the neverland the umbrella of desire has been spread

So that the breeze of thirst can run into leave's root
The siren of the rain resounds
One is lonely here
And in this loneliness the shade of an elm
Stretches to eternity

If you come to visit me
Come gently and slowly lest the fragile china of my
Solitude cracks

The poem is beautiful. 'Behind the neverland' is the place where people connect, where politics, nationalities, rules and geographical borders do not matter anymore. It is the place when men are men and women are women and we are all equal human beings facing our destiny. It is a place of hope where a change of country would not translate in a change in the inner core of people. The travelling and the longing for this place make people alive and push them to always change, dream and hope. The 'never' in front or the world 'land' in the title has a nostalgic appeal and it perfectly reflects the tone of the film. Its musicality recalls the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia and hope. It is pretty clear from my comments on the film that I am looking forward to watch it and suggest you all do the same. It will be an entertaining piece of art that at the same time touches current issues but with a very personal approach. When it comes to general matters, nothing is more effective than watching a single case to understand the feelings that lie under the analytical surface of general considerations and percentage tables. The film was written by International artists Parviz Ghodsi (playing Bahram in the movie and a real life George Clooney lookalike from Iran), James Kinsman, Hernan Diaz Laserna, Tiger Musigapong and Hannah Primeand.

The film is now in post production but you can follow the updates on:




...and here of course.

Make sure you check out the this beautiful piece of art. I can't wait for its release.

Hope you all are having a great day!
